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其他資料列表: 1. Physical Review B International journal specializing in condensed-matter phenomena, as well as materials physics. 2. B - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Old English was originally written in runes, whose equivalent letter was beorc ⟨ᛒ⟩, meaning "birch". Beorc dates to at least the 2nd-century Elder Futhark, which ... 3. Tweets with replies by b (@b) | Twitter The latest Tweets and replies from b (@b). Haumea. 4. Physics Letters B - Journal - Elsevier Physics Letters B ensures the rapid publication of important new results in particle physics, nuclear physics and cosmology. Specialized editors are... 5. Physics Letters B - ScienceDirect.com The online version of Physics Letters B at ScienceDirect.com, the world's leading platform for high quality peer-reviewed full-text journals. |